Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
ALC Kids Ministry is a ministry that includes Bible based lessons, hands on learning, and intentional care for each child's needs, all in a loving and safe environment. Our Kids Ministry is equipped for every child. Our structure includes nurseries for infants, a toddler room, a Pre-K room, and a Kid's Sanctuary for ages 5-12.
Kids Church Security
Secure Kids Check-In/Check-Out
15 minutes before service, we have a secure check-in system in place. As you come to the door, we check each child in individually to ensure their safety. After service, we have a secure check-out system in place as well to make sure each child is checked out to the right family.
Secure Location
At ALC, our Kid's Ministry wing is separate from the rest of the church. We make sure that as children are checked in, they do not leave until picked up by a parent/guardian. This area is off limits to the rest of the church and is securely overseen by scheduled Kid's Ministry workers.
Learning today. Leading tomorrow.
ALCA is our school for ages Pre-K through 10th grade. Click below to learn more about ALCA and how to enroll your child today!