Apostle Jeremiah & Pastor Lisa Hosford
Lead Apostles of ALC Ministires
Apostle Jeremiah Hosford is the Lead Apostle of ALC and has been our dedicated leader for more than a decade. He has a visionary mind, a prophetic edge, and a passionate fire to see the gospel spread to every nation. Pastor Lisa serves alongside him pouring into the women of ALC through her vision & prophetic edge to see daughters raised up for God’s Kingdom.

Pastor Jason Branson
Assistant Pastor of ALC Locust Grove
Pastor Jason specializes in counseling those who are in need, visiting those who are sick in body, assimilating newcomers, and being the hands and feet of Jesus on behalf of ALC. He also serves as our missions pastor. He desires to see the body of Christ whole & unified worldwide as we work together for God's glory.

Pastor Michael Muñoz
Worship Pastor of ALC Jonesboro
Pastor Michael is over all worship arts at ALC. His passion for praise & worship drives him to lead in excellence in all he does musically.